Statue of Queen Victoria
Statue of Queen Victoria
Large crowds gathered in front of Leeds Town Hall to witness the unveiling of the Queen Victoria Memorial the by Lord Mayor, Edwin Woodhouse, on November 27, 1905. A memorial committee had been formed in 1901 after the death of the queen, and a subscription fund raised nearly £8,000. Two versions of George Frampton’s exist – one was unveiled in St. Helens, Merseyside, England (1905) and another in Winnipeg, Canada (1904). In Leeds, the seated bronze figure of the queen was presented on a tall Portland stone plinth with allegorical figures of Peace and Industry. Celebrating British imperial expansion in the Victorian era, a continuous frieze winds around the base with the inscription “INDIA,” “AUSTRALIA,” “CANADA,” and “AFRICA”. The statue was moved in 1937 to a park in another part of the city.