View of Cotopaxi

Frederic Edwin Church, View of CotopaxiFrederic Edwin Church, View of Cotopaxi, 1867. Oil on canvas. Yale University Art Gallery, Given by Miss Annette I. Young in memory of Professor D. Cady Eaton and Mr. Innis Young
View of Cotopaxi
Frederic Edwin Church
American, 1826–1900
Oil on canvas
11 x 18 in. (27.9 x 45.7 cm)
On view in the American Art before 1900 galleries
For Frederic Edwin Church, landscape revealed the hidden spirituality of the universe, wherein all the organisms and forces of nature were seen as one living, active whole. Nowhere was this more evident than in the hothouse of the tropics. Following in the footsteps of scientific explorer-naturalist Alexander von Humboldt, Church made two trips to South America, in 1853 and 1857. In the two paintings by Church on this wall, View of Cotopaxi and Chimborazo Volcano, the lush, tropical landscape and smoldering volcanoes of Ecuador reenact the drama of man’s and earth’s regeneration.
Yale University Art Gallery, Given by Miss Annette I. Young in memory of Professor D. Cady Eaton and Mr. Innis Young