Second version, exhibited at the Odeon, Washington, DC, 1848

Second version, exhibited at the Odeon, Washington, DC, 1848

Following its presentation in New York, The Greek Slave traveled to Washington, DC, where it was shown at the Odeon, a four-hundred-seat venue at Pennsylvania Avenue and 4 ½ Street. The exhibition was open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; admission was 25 cents, season tickets cost $1, and a pamphlet was available for 12 ½ cents.[1] Richard P. Wunder gives the exhibition dates as January 25 to March 25, 1848.[2]

[1] Advertisement, Baltimore Sun, February 15, 1848, 4.

[2] Richard P. Wunder, Hiram Powers: Vermont Sculptor, 1805–1873 (Newark: University of Delaware Press), 2:161.